John Boozman (R-AR) isn't a better senator than Blanche Lincoln was. When she was a congresswoman and then a senator she was generally rated an "F." Boozman is actually worse, although when you get down that low, there's no grade worse than an "F." There's no such thing as an "F-minus" or a "G." Boozman's ProgressivePunch score since he replaced Lincoln is a ridiculous 3.16 (out of 100) and for the current year, he scores a zero. He's generally dismissed as an ineffective backbencher with no influence whatsoever. No one cares what he has to say on the Science Committee or the Agriculture Committee and his role as the ranking Republican on the Subcommittee on Green Jobs and the New Economy (part of the Environment Committee) is to obstruct progress. One senator told me that "unless he's talking about optometry, he doesn't have much credibility on anything. He's a pretty lazy guy and just goes along with his leadership. He's good on issues that relate to eye health... If we ever win that seat back, he could go back to being an optometrist." That isn't likely, though. The Democrats aren't going to take back that seat-- even with Hillary Clinton at the top of the ticket in 2016 when Boozman has to next face the voters. And if he does leave office, he'll probably do exactly what Blanche Lincoln did-- whore himself out as a lobbyist. It's what virtually all corrupt conservatives do after their time in Congress is up.
The reason a conservative numbskull like Boozman isn't much of a downgrade from Blanche Lincoln is because she was one of the two or three most Republican Democrats in the Senate. She was always agitating for more conservative, even reactionary, policies inside the caucus and always undermining progressive initiatives in committee (and especially when she was chair of the Agriculture Committee). She was a spokesperson for Big Business and for the wealthy within the Democratic caucus. And that's what she still is-- only as a slimy K Street lobbyist. In the Senate she was always referred to as the Senator from WalMart. She still works for them, now officially as a lobbyist. She also works for other retail groups and special interests looking for special treatment in the Senate-- and a way to plunder American taxpayers. One of her latest clients is the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), which hired her to help them get out of having to obey regulations that put the good of society ahead of greed and avarice. She's heading up their anti-regulatory Small Businesses for Sensible Regulations project. Who needs a Republican when Blanche is still creeping around the Beltway? Her goal is to make sure Business has as much say as possible in the process.
Last cycle, the lobbying firm she works for, Alston & Bird, handed out $495,617 in legalistic bribes to congressional campaigns, including $30,000 each to the DCCC, NRCC, DSCC and NRSC. As far as individual politicians, they gave over twice as much to House Republicans as to House Democrats and over twice as much to Senate Democrats as to Senate Republicans. They know who makes the rules in each body. Many of their biggest investments were wasted as their most favored corrupt politicians were defeated, like Allen West (R-FL) and Charlie Bass (R-NH) who they gave $10,000 each. Other big losers they backed-- all conservatives of course-- were Mary Bono Mack (R-CA), Robert Dold (R-IL), Shelley Berkley (D-NV), and Cliff Stearns (R-FL). And, needless to say, they handed out checks to corrupt party leaders like John Boehner (R-OH), Eric Cantor (R-VA), Paul Ryan (R-WI), Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Joe Crowley (D-NY) and Miss McConnell (R-KY).
In a post she penned for HuffPo earlier this month, Lincoln claimed her employers are "the quiet engine of our economy." Disgracefully, HuffPo didn't identify her as a lobbyist, just as the head of a "coalition," It's My Business, "giving a voice to the millions of people who have chosen to be entrepreneurs and have the opportunity to build their own businesses." Not a word about how much she's being paid to or by whom. Shouldn't we expect more from Huffington Post, even if they are part of AOL? Meanwhile paid whores like Lincoln are free to come onto their pages and talk about the government "targeting," investigating and prosecuting these quiet engines of our economy. Pure propaganda:
The reason a conservative numbskull like Boozman isn't much of a downgrade from Blanche Lincoln is because she was one of the two or three most Republican Democrats in the Senate. She was always agitating for more conservative, even reactionary, policies inside the caucus and always undermining progressive initiatives in committee (and especially when she was chair of the Agriculture Committee). She was a spokesperson for Big Business and for the wealthy within the Democratic caucus. And that's what she still is-- only as a slimy K Street lobbyist. In the Senate she was always referred to as the Senator from WalMart. She still works for them, now officially as a lobbyist. She also works for other retail groups and special interests looking for special treatment in the Senate-- and a way to plunder American taxpayers. One of her latest clients is the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), which hired her to help them get out of having to obey regulations that put the good of society ahead of greed and avarice. She's heading up their anti-regulatory Small Businesses for Sensible Regulations project. Who needs a Republican when Blanche is still creeping around the Beltway? Her goal is to make sure Business has as much say as possible in the process.
Last cycle, the lobbying firm she works for, Alston & Bird, handed out $495,617 in legalistic bribes to congressional campaigns, including $30,000 each to the DCCC, NRCC, DSCC and NRSC. As far as individual politicians, they gave over twice as much to House Republicans as to House Democrats and over twice as much to Senate Democrats as to Senate Republicans. They know who makes the rules in each body. Many of their biggest investments were wasted as their most favored corrupt politicians were defeated, like Allen West (R-FL) and Charlie Bass (R-NH) who they gave $10,000 each. Other big losers they backed-- all conservatives of course-- were Mary Bono Mack (R-CA), Robert Dold (R-IL), Shelley Berkley (D-NV), and Cliff Stearns (R-FL). And, needless to say, they handed out checks to corrupt party leaders like John Boehner (R-OH), Eric Cantor (R-VA), Paul Ryan (R-WI), Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Joe Crowley (D-NY) and Miss McConnell (R-KY).
In a post she penned for HuffPo earlier this month, Lincoln claimed her employers are "the quiet engine of our economy." Disgracefully, HuffPo didn't identify her as a lobbyist, just as the head of a "coalition," It's My Business, "giving a voice to the millions of people who have chosen to be entrepreneurs and have the opportunity to build their own businesses." Not a word about how much she's being paid to or by whom. Shouldn't we expect more from Huffington Post, even if they are part of AOL? Meanwhile paid whores like Lincoln are free to come onto their pages and talk about the government "targeting," investigating and prosecuting these quiet engines of our economy. Pure propaganda:
Throughout my career, I have been a staunch proponent for small businesses and entrepreneurs and I fought hard for their rights during my time serving Arkansas in the U.S. Senate. Their contributions to virtually every aspect of our economy simply cannot be overlooked.Yesterday, The Hill pointed out that "[t]here are several bills now pending before Congress that would overhaul the rulemaking system, ranging from measures that would give lawmakers the power to veto major rules to a push to limit the regulatory authority of certain agencies." Lincoln is worried these Republican measures may not pass and she's hoping Obama will institute some of things her employers want even if Congress does try standing up for the public good and insists there's a "frequent disconnect between regulators and the people who must comply with the rules they write." Business always wants to dictate the rules under which they operate. That's why they pay sleazy people like Blanche Lincoln such huge salaries.
It's My Business is carrying that same torch today. We are committed to protecting the right of independent contractors to choose a way of life that works best for them, and the right of businessmen and women to pursue a business model that provides lifestyle flexibility for them and their families and creates jobs and competitiveness for America.
But we can't do it alone. We are asking you to get engaged and take a stand, too. Tell your elected state and federal bureaucrats to stop their attacks on independent contractors. They are the embodiment of the entrepreneurial spirit in this country, not to mention a powerful engine driving our economic recovery. They deserve our protection. This country can't afford to let them down.
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