The Tea Party Tide swept a lot of toxic garbage into governors' mansions across the country-- Rick Scott in Florida, Scott Walker in Wisconsin, Sam Brownback in Kansas, John Kasich in Ohio, Rick Snyder in Michigan, Bob Forced Ultrasound McDonnell in Virginia, Nathan Deal in Georgia, Nikki Haley in South Carolina, Puppet Pat in North Carolina, Jan Brewer in Arizona, Paul LePage in Maine, Mike Pence in Indiana, Rick Perry in Texas... to name some of the worst of the worst. How do you actually name one overall worst though? Very difficult... but no one could leave Pennsylvania's Tom Corbett out of the finals.
Corbett has been a disaster for Pennsylvania and, par for the course, the Democrats would like to offer someone just a little tiny bit better (New Dem Allyson Schwartz). Pennsylvania can do a lot better. Polls show that Pennsylvanians do not want to see Corbett get a second term and that they will support any plausible candidate against him. We found two good one so far, John Hanger and Tom Wolf.
And as if Corbett wasn't in enough trouble with voters, on Monday his excuse for high unemployment rates in his state-- Pennsylvania ranks 49th in job creation since he's become governor-- is that his constituents are a bunch of pot heads. "There are many employers that say, 'we’re looking for people, but we can’t find anybody that has passed a drug test,' a lot of them," Corbett told a radio audience. "And that’s a concern for me because we’re having a serious problem with that."
John Hanger responded with the video above and by reminding Pennsylvania voters that the state doesn't rank 49th-- when just a few years ago it ranked 7th-- because of drug tests. "How insulting to the hundreds of thousands of people looking for a job or for full time work!"
"The real reason Pennsylvania has created zero jobs over the last 12 months is because Corbett is the one under the influence -- the influence of failed economic policies and Grover Norquist. He has slashed state funding to schools and communities, refuses to tax gas drillers, strangles the renewable energy industry, fails to fund repairs to our roads and bridges and turns down $4 billion a year for Medicaid expansion that would create 41,000 jobs.
"Rather than take responsibility for the failures of his own economic policies, the governor tries to blame the victims-- the people out of work-- for Pennsylvania’s poor job performance.
"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Pennsylvania was the only state in the country to lose seasonally adjusted jobs between March 2012 and March 2013. The Commonwealth was 11th in jobs growth 2009 and 7th in 2010, but now in March 2013 Pennsylvania’s non-seasonally adjusted job creation ranking was 49th. We were 50th for seasonally-adjusted job creation. Pennsylvania’s job creation is plummeting even as the national economy created 3.8 million jobs in 2011 and 2012.
"If we just kept up with the national job creation rate, we should have added about 60,000 to 80,000 jobs just in 2012. Instead, Pennsylvania is the only state in the nation that lost jobs between March 2012 and March 2013.
"Tom Corbett clearly does not understand our economy or what it takes to get out-of-work Pennsylvanians back on the job. I do... Pennsylvania cannot afford another four years Tom Corbett. Let’s send him packing."
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