by Cecil Bothwell
Thanks to support from readers of this blog, and Glen Greenwald's endorsement, I was able to wage a credible primary campaign against our former Blue Dog Rep. Heath Shuler.
Heath dropped out, we think in part because polls suggested we might win. But big money won the primary for Heath's deputy, who then went on to lose the General.
That loss was due in at least some measure to NC redistricting that tilted this district to the right.
Far beyond what that gerrymander did to Tar Heel representation in Washington, it bent the election for our General Assembly. Tea Partiers are now shoving this state back toward the 19th Century as fast as they can cast their "ayes." If I tried to describe all that they have dismantled you would be here all day. But it is breathtaking.
Banning city councils from banning "Big Slurp" drinks is one of the more laughable. Banning metropolitan governments from adopting Sharia law is one of the most outlandish. Stealing airports from Asheville and Charlotte one of the most heinous. Eliminating regulation of private landfills one of the most scary. Shifting the tax burden from the rich to the poor (sharply cutting income taxes and raising sales taxes, including a new tax on food) is GOP-as-usual.
But, here in Asheville we're pushing back. We've filed a lawsuit to prevent theft of the municipal water system and we're taking the fight to Raleigh.
You may have read of the Moral Monday protests that have been staged at the state capital for a couple of months. This week my City Council re-election campaign has hired a bus to take protesters from Asheville to join the demonstration.
Meanwhile, we have a great young campaign intern, a rising high school senior, who needs some help to attend progressive political training sessions in Washington, DC next week.
Any contribution would be welcome. Justin deserves our support!
Thanks to support from readers of this blog, and Glen Greenwald's endorsement, I was able to wage a credible primary campaign against our former Blue Dog Rep. Heath Shuler.
Heath dropped out, we think in part because polls suggested we might win. But big money won the primary for Heath's deputy, who then went on to lose the General.
That loss was due in at least some measure to NC redistricting that tilted this district to the right.
Far beyond what that gerrymander did to Tar Heel representation in Washington, it bent the election for our General Assembly. Tea Partiers are now shoving this state back toward the 19th Century as fast as they can cast their "ayes." If I tried to describe all that they have dismantled you would be here all day. But it is breathtaking.
Banning city councils from banning "Big Slurp" drinks is one of the more laughable. Banning metropolitan governments from adopting Sharia law is one of the most outlandish. Stealing airports from Asheville and Charlotte one of the most heinous. Eliminating regulation of private landfills one of the most scary. Shifting the tax burden from the rich to the poor (sharply cutting income taxes and raising sales taxes, including a new tax on food) is GOP-as-usual.
But, here in Asheville we're pushing back. We've filed a lawsuit to prevent theft of the municipal water system and we're taking the fight to Raleigh.
You may have read of the Moral Monday protests that have been staged at the state capital for a couple of months. This week my City Council re-election campaign has hired a bus to take protesters from Asheville to join the demonstration.
Meanwhile, we have a great young campaign intern, a rising high school senior, who needs some help to attend progressive political training sessions in Washington, DC next week.
Any contribution would be welcome. Justin deserves our support!
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