The Orlando Metro has 4 congressmen, Corrine Brown (D-FL-05), John Mica (R-FL-07), Alan Grayson (D-FL-09) and Daniel Webster (R-FL-10). These were the election results last November:
• Corrine Brown- 71%Monday, Lauren Rowe, a feisty, albeit simpleminded, reporter from WKMG, Local 6, invited two of them, Orlando's dynamic duo, Grayson and Mica, on to Flashpoint to discuss the Sequester, which Mica voted for and which Grayson strenuously opposes. "Anybody," Grayson patiently explained to Rowe, "who's looked at this agrees it will cost at least 700,00 jobs nationally and maybe as high as 3 million. At a time when the economy is already weak, slowing recovering-- and could easily double dip into a double dip recession-- I think it's a mistake from any sort of view of economic management... And I'm against it; I voted against it. I've been pretty consistent about that. Remember, we're talking about federal employees. Every one of those jobs is a job in the United States. You give a tax cut to a multinational corporation and the money either ends up in Zurich, Switzerland or it ends up in Singapore or it ends up in Tokyo or Seoul. It hardly ever ends up here creating new jobs in the United States. When you cut federal spending, you're cutting U.S. jobs," he tried explaining to the bobble-head who was already on to the next question someone had written for her about "some seniors who are maybe missing their Meals on Wheels."
• Alan Grayson- 63%
• Daniel Webster- 52%
• John Mica- 59%
Grayson, who Democratic freshmen admiringly call "the Kraken," was like a patient professor trying to make Rowe understand. But she seemed neither capable nor interested. "OK, let's move on to immigration..." She seemed far more deferential to Mica. As you can hear on the video above, Mica regurgitated the stale Republican Party talking points of failed European Austerity. Not on the video, of course, is the actual Democrat who is running against Mica and will replace him as the fourth Orlando congressmember if the DCCC decides to spend money on a real Democrat instead of on a celebrity's sister who publicly bashes unions. We asked Nick Ruiz to take a look at the interview and tell us what Orlando voters would have heard from him instead of Mica. If you like it and would like to help him get into Congress, please consider a contribution on this page. Nick:
"The problems America has come to face are simply not being handled well by people like John Mica. People need higher wages. Mica votes against higher wages. Social Security does not pay enough for retirement purposes. Mica votes to cut Social Security. Government spending per se isn't out of control. The lack of appropriate levels of historic taxation are out of control. Pollution is out of control. Banks are out of control. Military escapades are out of control. People like John Mica are out of control, and left so, continue to unbalance and mismanage the federal affairs of the United States of America to the point where we lag behind nearly all other Western nations on multiple historic measures. That's a fact. John Mica, along with countless other Republicans, and even some horribly unreliable Democrats, have brought about mass American failure. That is their legacy. Be it on education, fair wages, healthcare, the military, energy policy, social justice issues and more. Repeatedly, people like John Mica default to senseless policies of social bigotry and economic hardship, that are breaking the back of our domestic social and economic systems, and have squandered our reputation amongst a world of nations. It's time for him to go. And I look forward to replacing him for you in 2014."Can you imagine the look on Rowe's face when she has Nick on her show and he let's loose with something like that? Two krakens... better than one.
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