Half the voters in New Hampshire are telling pollsters they are less likely to vote to reelect Kelly Ayotte because she voted against the bipartisan background check amendment last week. And her approval rating is underwater, down 15 points since her blatant NRA asskissing. An editorial from Sunday's Portsmouth Herald" If you want gun control, vote Ayotte out of office:
A tweet by domestic terrorist and Texas congressman, NRA shill Steve Stockman, caused me to look into Ayotte's standing with New Hampshire voters. Stockman, the violent militia movement's biggest advocate in Congress, was claiming not one Republican would be hurt politically for opposing background checks. He based his assertion on this crackpot post by David Freddoso. Both would rather just ignore a far more trafficked poll from Fox News and just hope no one remembers anything beyond next week or next year:
New Hampshire voters who care passionately about sensible gun legislation can contribute to the effort by defeating U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, the only senator in New England to vote against the Toomey-Manchin bill. Ayotte justified her vote by parroting the NRA, saying the measure would "place unnecessary burdens on law-abiding gun owners and allow for potential overreach by the federal government into private gun sales."Yesterday, the Concord Monitor had a story reporting on a "blizzard of mail," mostly attacking Ayotte for her vote against background checks that were meant to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, terrorists and the clinically insane.
In a January poll, New England College found 88 percent of Granite Staters support background checks, so it would seem Ayotte is far out of step with voters on this issue. She's up for re-election in 2016, a presidential election year that draws large numbers of independent voters who tend to support gun control. And the state has leaned Democratic in the last two presidential elections, so it's hard to see this as a political move.
Perhaps she believes that by 2016 people will have forgotten how she voted. Or perhaps she's counting on the historic lack of intensity from voters who favor gun control. If we don't like how she voted Wednesday it's up to all of us who care about this issue to show Sen. Ayotte she was mistaken by voting her out of office.
A tweet by domestic terrorist and Texas congressman, NRA shill Steve Stockman, caused me to look into Ayotte's standing with New Hampshire voters. Stockman, the violent militia movement's biggest advocate in Congress, was claiming not one Republican would be hurt politically for opposing background checks. He based his assertion on this crackpot post by David Freddoso. Both would rather just ignore a far more trafficked poll from Fox News and just hope no one remembers anything beyond next week or next year:
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